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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

5th Class Gardening

23rd Apr 2024
The latest group of girls from Mr Wilson‘s class joined our extremely kind and knowledgeable gardening volunteers today in the garden. The gardeners were Kay, Georgina, and Blanche.
today the girls were learning how to set strawberries for growing and they were taught the basics of weeding. They learned so much from the gardening ladies.
We are so lucky to have such a beautiful garden in our school and such great volunteers our local community who are willing to share their vast knowledge. We cannot thank them enough for all their work helping our beautiful garden to flourish and to provide a home for all of God‘s creatures and plants.
Please check out this photo taken today.
You can see by all the smiling faces how much fun the girls are having and how much they have learned. There is nothing better than being outside in beautiful weather.