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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

Coding Thursdays in Mr Wilson's 5th Class

28th Apr 2024
This week, we focused on the importance of the repeat function when it comes to block coding. 

Understanding why the repeat function is important in block coding is really useful. It helps us to do things more easily by making the computer repeat certain actions without having to write them out over and over again. This saves time and makes the code easier to understand.

By using the repeat function, we also learn about loops and how to solve problems step by step. It's like learning a cool trick that helps you to become better at solving puzzles and creating new things with technology. So, mastering the repeat function is like unlocking a superpower that helps us to become smarter coders!

Coding is fantastic, because it's enabling us to do brilliant maths, without even realising we're doing maths!