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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

Mr Wilson's 5th class trip to Douglas Library

31st May 2024
We all know just how important reading is, and the girls in Mr Wilson's 5th class are passionate about their books! We made the most of the beautiful summer weather and organised a class trip to Douglas Library. We had filled out Library Card forms last week so our cards were ready for us when we arrived! Let the reading begin! 

The staff at Doulas library were so welcoming and informative. We got an amazing tour, and they gave all of the girls so much help finding books. Once we found our books, we used the really comfortable chairs and quiet environment of the library to get engrossed in the world of literature and get lost in our books. 

Once we finished our reading, we used our shiny new library cards and borrowed some books to bring home. There were some super books chosen! 

Then, to conclude our trip, Mr Wilson treated us all to an ice cream which really hit the spot on a lovely summers day. 

We are so lucky that our school is located in such a beautiful and accessible area, we are within walking distance of so many amazing locations and facilities! 

A special thank you to Douglas Library, and its amazing staff, and Ms Murphy for joining us on our trip and helping to keep us safe. 

Check out some of our pictures from the day!