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Beaumont Girls School, Beaumont, Cork

News Archive - Sixth class Mr. O'Keeffe

2nd Jul 2024
Here are some performances by 6th Class 2024 at their Graduation. Fantastic energy...
2nd Jul 2024
6th Class 2024 had an eventful final week of primary school with their school tour...
19th Jun 2024
Junior Infants and 6th Class enjoyed the nice weather today and had fun for looking...
13th Jun 2024
We loved the indoor garden fête today! We got our make up done, hair braids...
30th May 2024
6th Class participated in the national record attempt of most children playing chess...
30th May 2024
On Wednesday 22nd May 6th class visited Merck in Carrigtwohill as part of the iWish...
16th May 2024
6th Class are covering the theme of transport and had great fun engineering balloon...
30th Apr 2024
Over the past fortnight 6th class have been learning about Japan in many different...
19th Apr 2024
This week, fourth and sixth class came together to listen and respond to a famous...
12th Apr 2024
6th class were working on partner balances this week in gymnastics putting their...